What Type of Fencing Should I Use for My Garden?

In general, the type of fencing used for a garden consists of materials like wood, plastic, or metal. Grid woven fencing, hardware cloth fencing, and picket fencing are the most common fencing used in a garden.

Hardware Cloth Fencing

Hardware cloth fencing is a thin grid wire that is great for small areas and cage like settings. This type of fencing material is metal, and more expensive that most woven or welded wire fencing. 

With the small grid pattern this fencing has, this material is excellent for keeping out all animals from large deer to small mice. Hardware cloth fencing should be used in gardens as an extra barrier to prevent small rabbits from making their way to your precious cabbage. This fencing also can be laid on the ground to add protection from animals digging under fence. Place the hardware cloth along the fence line at the bottom and leave two feet of material laying on the ground. 

Cloth fencing is extremely durable and will last for several years.

Grid Woven Fencing

Grid woven fencing, like hardware cloth, comes in a grid pattern, but is larger. This type of fencing material is also metal, and less expensive. 

The grid pattern helps with protecting gardens from most animals; however, small creatures like mice, rabbits, and squirrels still will be able to access your garden space. In addition, the larger grid pattern may act like a trellis to climbing plants like cucumbers or cypress vines. 

Woven fencing is easy to maintain and will last for many years unless a tree or object falls and takes the fencing down. 

Picket Fencing

Picket fencing can be made of wood, iron, or even plastic. This style of fencing is very decorative and pleasing to the eye. However, depending on which material is selected, this style of fencing can be very expensive and hard to maintain.

Wood fencing will need to be treated and painted to prevent rotting. Iron fencing is very durable, but expensive, and may rust over time. Vinyl or plastic pickets are long lasting and low maintenance but are very expensive.

In a garden, picket fencing will protect plants from larger animals, but not small mice, rabbits, or squirrels. Picket fencing does allow for easy access to weeding and cleaning out dead plants in the garden space. 

How to Choose the Right Fence for Your Garden

The right fence for a garden is protective, and low maintenance. However, a garden fence may also allow privacy, and style for large and small spaces.

Protection from Animals

Garden fencing used for protection from animals should be made of tough materials, like metal and hard vinyl. For small animals, use small grid wire; for tall or high reaching animals, use a high perimeter fence. 

If protecting a garden from aerial predators, use small grid wire, chicken wire, or bird netting. 

Privacy from Others

Privacy fencing may also be used as garden fencing. Wood paneling is most commonly used for privacy, but rock or brick fencing may also be used. This form of fencing may obstruct the view of the garden but will keep private whoever utilizes the space. Be aware that privacy fencing may also cause shade at various times of the day.

Style and Design

When choosing a fence for your garden, using pickets or artistic fencing will create a picture-perfect backdrop for your growing plants. Styled, and designed fencing is not a cheap option, but will be beautiful. 

Common materials used for stylish fencing is iron pickets, wood pickets, or even mural style privacy fences.


Low maintenance fencing is best for a garden. Metal and plastic materials are lower maintenance and will last for several years or decades. Wood may need to be replaced, painted, or sealed regularly to keep the material in good condition. 

When installing fence for your garden, make sure the structure is well built to ensure a long-lasting product. The focus should be on gardening, not maintaining your fence. 

Small or Large Spaces

Choosing the right fence for your garden, will change if you have a small space or a large space.

Small garden spaces need an “openwork” system. Openwork systems allow for weeding and reaching through the fence when necessary. Pickets, or rail fences are best for small garden spaces. Hardware cloth may be added to further protect the small space from rodents and rabbits. Fencing also may need to be added to protect your garden from aerial predators. Aerial fencing is best in small spaces with highly desirable produce like blueberries, or dwarf fruit trees.

Large garden spaces will cost more to fence in but will require more protection from large animals. Grid wire, or picket fencing can be used for large garden spaces. Again, hardware cloth may be added to keep out small animals. 

Regardless of small or large garden spaces, fences may add support for climbing plants, and may create a space to hang pots off the ground. 

How High Does My Garden Fence Need to Be?

Garden fencing should be between 2 and 5 feet tall. If deer are a threat to your garden, a taller fence will be needed.

For a 2-foot fence, use hardware cloth to keep out rabbits, and mice. For a 4-to-6-foot fence, use grid wire, pickets, or hardware cloth to protect the garden space. Privacy wood fence may also be used if desired. For fencing 6 feet or taller, using grid wire, or wood paneling will allow protection from deer and large animals. The higher the fence, the higher the privacy and protection.

Other Forms of Garden Fencing

Other forms of garden fencing include bird netting, natural fencing, and muraled fencing.

Bird netting may be stretch to form aerial fencing or can be draped around small trees and bushes to protect the plants from birds. This mesh material can be harmful to birds if they get caught up in the netting. 

Natural fencing may consist of privacy barriers or climbing vines. Planting hedge bushes, flowering trees, or climbing vines allow for a more natural fencing that provides homes to wildlife and insects. 

Muraled fencing is a new age type of fencing that involves painting a mural on wood or brick fencing. Murals may depict whatever the gardener chooses and creates art in the garden space. 

For more information about fencing, check out our article about Fencing for Homestead Animals.

Danielle Sharp

Danielle is a dog mom with a passion for growing and cooking food. With her history of gardening, and cooking she spends her days creating new ways to share her knowledge with her readers.

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