Welcome to the Boonstead

Hello! and welcome to the Boonstead. We are a small homestead starting out from scratch. The journey to self sufficiency is a long one, but is very rewarding. There are several things that starting a homestead involves. We will do our best to cover all things regarding building a homestead. From gardening, building structures, electricity, water resources, animals and their care, and so much more.




Water and Electricity

Dedicated to growing a homestead from the ground up, and documenting the good the bad, and the ugly throughout our journey.

Why Start a Homestead?

One of our main reasons for starting this homestead is to become self sufficient. In 2020, when the coronavirus took hold in the United States, we realized there would be some impacts to our lives. Not only did we have to restrict our ways of life to a more subdued nature, we were limited on our favorite foods at the grocery stores. Therefore, we are going to grow some of our favorite foods and use our skills and resources available to us to lower our cost of living.

What does Boonstead Mean?

When Victor and Danielle were coming up with the name for their homestead, they chose Boonstead. If you break the word apart: “boon” is defined as “a thing that is helpful or beneficial” and “stead” is defined as “a place.” Thus, when both the words are placed together they mean, A Helpful Place, which is what the Boonstead is all about.

Where can I find more about the Boonstead?

We are sharing our journey on Youtube and Instagram! Feel free to follow along as we get our land ready and share the good, bad, and ugly.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_SOfP4NLUiKe6Enavale4A/featured

Instagram: @theboonstead

You can also learn more about us on our About Us page or send us an email through our Contact page.