What Chicken Breeds Should I Have on My Homestead?

On a homestead, chicken breeds that offer both eggs and meat are good to have. Sexlinks, Orpingtons, and Wyandotte are favorite breeds among homesteaders for their ability lay eggs and provide meat when they are too old. Breeds specific for meat include Red Ranger, Delaware Broilers, and Jumbo Cornish x Rocks. 

Egg Laying Poultry Breeds

Eggs on a homestead are very important to provide protein and other nutrients. Calcium from the eggshells can be used in the garden, as well as for livestock. Whole eggs can be sold for profit as well. 

Sexlink Chickens

Sexlink chickens are very popular among homesteaders for their ability to determine gender at birth. These chickens will lay eggs as early as 6 months old and will keep laying eggs for a year to three years. 

Chicken BreedEggs Per YearColor of EggsWeight at Maturity
ISA Brown300+Brown5lbs
Red Sex Link300+Brown6lbs
Black Sex Link or Black Star300+Brown6lbs
Golden Comets330+Brown4lbs

Tinted Egg Layers

Another type of chicken breed are those that lay tinted eggs. These breeds are not as prolific as sexlink chickens, but they still provide roughly an egg every other day. These eggs are beautiful in color and make a beautiful addition to sell at markets. 

Chicken BreedEggs Per YearColor of EggsWeight at Maturity
French Black Copper Marans150-200Chocolate Brown4.5lbs
Cuckoo Marans220+Chocolate Brown7lbs
Cream Legbar150+Blue6lbs
Whiting True Blue280+Blue4lbs
Whiting True Green300+Olive Green4lbs

Other Egg Layers

In addition to sexlinks, and tinted layers, there are other breeds that are good egg layers. Adding multiple breeds of chickens will allow for a variety of eggs for your basket. Wyandotte are a docile breed that are easy going and come in a variety of beautiful colors. Orpington are favorites among children and good brooders. Plymouth Rocks are a very common breed for backyards.

Chicken BreedEggs Per YearWeight at Maturity
Plymouth Rocks250+7lbs

Dual Purpose (Eggs and Meat)

Chicken breeds that provide eggs and meat are beneficial on a homestead due to their dual purpose. These birds can be kept for egg laying, or for meat slaughter. Most chickens start laying eggs at 4 to 5 months. Once the birds start laying eggs, chickens will continue to lay eggs for up to 3 to 4 years. As long as the birds are well cared for, and their conditions are good they will lay eggs. After birds are finished laying eggs, they can be slaughtered for meat. 

Chicken BreedsEggs Per YearWeight at Maturity
Barred Rock250+8lbs
Jersey Giant150+11lbs
Buff Orpington200+7lbs
Rhode Island Red200+7lbs

Meat Breeds

Meat chickens are bread for their quick growing times and large amounts of meat on their bodies. These breeds are specifically made to be broiler chickens solely for slaughter. 

Chicken BreedsEggs Per YearWeight at Maturity
Jumbo Cornish X Rocks160+6lbs at 6 weeks
Red Ranger175+5lbs at 10 weeks
Delaware Broiler200+6lbs

When choosing a chicken breed for your homestead, consider the type of bird you wish to raise. If you want only eggs, choose a breed that are good egg layers. If meat birds are what you would like to have, choose those that reach their weight early. Regardless of the chicken breed you choose for your homestead, raising chickens is a wonderful practice and will provide fulfillment for your family and even children. 

You can also check out this video on YouTube about Chicken Breeds

Other Articles on Chickens

How Many Homestead Animals Should I Have?


Danielle Sharp

Danielle is a dog mom with a passion for growing and cooking food. With her history of gardening, and cooking she spends her days creating new ways to share her knowledge with her readers.

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